Does this mean you have to engage a professional masonry company? But not if you adhere to these tips from Stu Crompton, bricklayer and the creator of several bricklaying videos on his YouTube channel.

Utilizing a steel saw, you will need to take the bricks out of the mortar. You can rent this tool from your local hardware store. It is necessary to connect the saw to water. You should wear mouth, eye as well as hearing protectors. Additionally, work gloves are required. Make the cuts in the horizontal first and then do the vertical cuts. You may need to remove those bricks that are next to the bricks damaged.

The next step is to grab a mason’s chisel as and Hammer. The brick with the highest level needs to be replaced and work your way down. You can remove any mortar by using the chisel.

Bricks can be ordered from a neighborhood hardware store. It is necessary to place the bricks beginning at the bottom, and moving them to the top. Mix the mortar using an empty bucket. Use a mortar trowel to spread the mortar and place bricks. Utilize the trowel to remove any extra mortar. Remove the mortar using the trowel, you can use an jointer. You can also make use of the jointer to tidy up the mortar after it drys. jcej6nls8y.