Diagnose, manage and manage various ailments. Clinical lab consulting activities depend on where and what type of laboratory they are located.

Reference labs offer specific testing services, and the physician labs carry out general tests. A variety of tests can be carried out within the laboratory of a clinical doctor, which includes hematology and coagulation as well as clinical chemistry as well as transfusions.

The medical experts perform blood tests within hematology, coagulation as well as transfusion departments. Clinical chemistry is responsible for tests for toxicology that identify the poisons that are present and then analyzes them. The department of immunology and serology is where to turn for testing the strength of your immune system and its compatibility with foreign tissues.

All body fluids, which includes swabs and sputum, undergo testing in the microbiology department. Such testing helps experts to find various microorganisms responsible for causing disease such as viruses and parasites. They also carry out molecular diagnostic tests to see if there is any similarity in the DNA sequences of various individuals.
