He felt demoralized when his coworkers were encouraging him at a high standard. He began working alongside prominent scientists that wanted to “make them older.” This was the beginning of bio hacking. It morphed into a community of people seeking to better their human biological and physiological.
Biohacking, an advanced science technique that boosts the biological capabilities of human beings, is new. An organization like Bulletproof committed millions of dollars in the biohacking industry for the purpose of metabolic and health manipulation. This phenomenon is now something of a dictionary. It continues to impress and inspire people to think about the potential of technology and mortality of humans.
Biohacking as a science-based technology that enhances the human body and is completely new. The above video gives more details on the latest research results and long-standing research conducted by scientists and experts in anti-aging research. What are your views on biohacking? Is it a venture you would consider trying?